Monday, July 7, 2008

PMP - Pass-vs-Learn

I came across this great article on Gantthead. The author makes a very good point. PM's should spend more time actually learning how to manage projects, rather than simply learning how to pass the test.

However, just like with drugs, the alure of the money one can make with those three little initials behind their name is so appealing that it's difficult to keep honest and actually learn the material. In my opinion, it's about a passion for what you do.

For me, I love technology. I love building data centers, I love completing projects (*my home office not included ;-)*), and I love helping companies apply standards and practices to their network infrastructure that will help them perform more effciently and, ultimately, make more money. But I don't do it *just* for the money.

Therein lies the real issue, it's not that people take the PMP, so much, because they love Project Management, typically. It's the fact that more and more people are entering Project Management as a "profession", but they do so without the passion. If you don't love what you do, you're going to be mediocre at best, and downright destructive at worst.

We don't need fewer PMP's. We need fewer people who are just looking at Project Management and PMP's for the money they can make. We need more PMP's who will help expand project management as a "real" profession, like a doctor, lawyer, or accountant. We need more PMP's who actually want to get better at project management. Good stuff Gantthead!

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