Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Why Not To Love The iPhone

OK, so with all of the iPhone hype I just can't let it go without some commentary. Plus, if I have the word "iPhone" in my blog post, I'm more likely to get a lot of hits because everyone wants an opinion on the iPhone.

The iPhone is cool. In typical Apple fashion, it's simple, it's sexy, and it's easy to use. No doubt, Apple has some of the best design engineers in the industry. They gave us the iMac, the iBook, the iPod, and now the iPhone 2.0.

So with all this iPhone ferver, why an aricle on why NOT to love it? The main reason I don't love the iPhone... I hate AT&T wireless. I'm on the Verizon network. My brother is on T-Mobile. I know, I know, the fact that I dislike AT&T shouldn't be a reason to dislike the iPhone. But my problem with the iPhone is that it's limited to AT&T (officially - though cracks supposedly exist), so I can't get one for my Verizon phone service.

Which leads me to another reason to dislike the iPhone. Because I can't get an actual iPhone on Verizon, I'm left with all of these other iPhone knockoffs from Samsung, RIM, and LG. Yet another reason I don't "love" the iPhone, the fact that all of knockoffs exist because of the iPhone.

Since when does the iPhone become the defacto standard for how a phone/PMP/camera/etc is supposed look and function? All of these other manufacturers are chasing after the iPhone mystique. Why not create your OWN mystique?

So, while I don't particularly dislike or hate the iPhone, I do find it irritating that it's only officially available on one network, other manufacturers are copying it, I dislike the fact that it's causing other manufacturers to stop innovating, and lastly, I'm tired of reading 25 iPhone articles a day on the tech blogs... and now you've read another one too. Sory 'bout that... ;)

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